November 14, 2023The Fashion Industry Needs an Alternative to Recycled PETThe fashion industry is disrupting the PET circular economy by taking it into an application that recycles less than 1% of its products. Read more
November 7, 2023Tosaf Introduces New Line of PFAS-free Processing AidsFacing pressure to eliminate PFAS chemicals from fluoropolymers, plastic additive makers such as Tosaf are launching alternative, PFAS-free processing aids. Read more
November 6, 2023Single-Use Plastics Ban in British ColumbiaIn British Columbia, a new law will prohibit single-use plastics starting December 20, 2023. This bill seeks to curtail the production of packaging that contributes to nearly half of the province’s annual plastic pollution, signifying strides towards a sustainable, circular economy. Read more
October 30, 2023Carbios Gets Green Light to Build a PET Bio-recycling Plant in FranceCarbios said on Oct. 26 that it has been granted a building permit to construct the world’s first PET bio-recycling plant in Longlaville, France. Read more
October 27, 20233D Printer Regulations: New York’s Fight Against Ghost GunsA recent development in New York has thrust the issue of 3D printed firearms into the spotlight of legislative discussions. This development follows a series of arrests in the state, all linked to the production of untraceable weapons manufactured using 3D printers. Read more
October 26, 2023Plastics Europe’s Roadmap Toward a Greener Future has €235 Billion Price TagPlastics Europe, the polymer producers’ trade group, launched its Plastics Transition roadmap to establish a pathway to circularity and a net-zero future. Read more
October 23, 2023Hellweg Designs Shredder for Energy Savings and High VolumeHellweg Maschinenbau designs a wet shredder for plastics recycling that significantly reduces energy costs while maximizing throughput rate. Read more
October 20, 2023Sandwich Injection Molding to Increase Post-Consumer Recycled ContentEngel developed a technology that allows the production of parts with recycled plastic (PCR) at their core and virgin plastic at the skin. Read more
October 19, 2023Avient Removes DBDPE Additive in Expanded XLPE PortfolioAvient added new grades to its Sincere XLPE Series 200 grades for wire and cable insulation that don’t contain DBDPE additive, which Canada might ban. Read more
October 18, 2023Kraiburg TPE’s new Thermoplastic Elastomers meet Strict Water-Contact Compliance RulesKraiburg TPE launched Thermolast DW––a new family of non-crosslinking thermoplastic elastomers for use in the drinking water and sanitary industry. Read more
September 22, 2023Nanopurification Recycling Technology Boosts Polymer YieldPyrowave process uses microwave energy to precisely break down and purify waste plastics Nanopurification recycling technology, a process developed by Pyrowave Inc. (, of Montreal, was officially rolled out on Sept. 21, at the two-day Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023,… Read more
September 22, 2023Circle of Life: PVC Building Materials Are More Recyclable Than EverPolyvinyl chloride is widely used in durable building and construction goods, notably pipe, windows, siding, flooring and roofing. PVC manufacturers have long reused regrind and refined their processes to minimize post-industrial (or pre-consumer) scrap. Read more