
Heat Waves: Electromagnetic Induction Heat Improves Twin-Screw Performance

Infographic Extrusion

Extruder manufacturer Bausano of Turin, Italy (North American office is in Houston), offers electromagnetic induction heating on its machines as an option to conventional ceramic band resistance heaters. Called the Smart Energy System (SES), benefits include the ability to reach setpoint temperature much faster than with ceramic heaters. This in turn generates energy savings of 20 to 30 percent in a machine-to-machine comparison. “Power consumption is an important issue all over the world, it’s one of the main costs of a company,” says Clemente Bausano, vice president. “Wherever you invest in such a machine you have to take into consideration the cost of power for the next 10 to 20 years.” Also, the environmental benefits of reducing energy use. Here is a look at the SES as installed on a large, counterrotating, intermeshing twin-screw extruder 


By Pat Toensmeier | June 6, 2023

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